Port Regulations

These Port regulations have been approved by the Board of Directors of Port of Hanko Ltd. on 29 April 2015.


SECTION I General provisions
SECTION II Security in the port area
SECTION III Environmental matters
SECTION IV Pre-arrival notifications
SECTION V Placement and movement of vessels in port
SECTION VI Discharging, loading and storage of goods
SECTION VII Vehicle and railway traffic
SECTION VIII Rescue regulations
SECTION IX Provisions on boats and other recreational vessels
SECTION X Procedures for dealing with damages and breaches
SECTION XI Claims and limitation of liability
SECTION XII Supplementary technical guidelines and appendencies to the Port Regulations

Printable version here:

Port regulations (pdf)


General provisions

These Port Regulations supplement current laws and regulations.

The provisions and guidelines set out in the Port Regulations shall be complied with in areas administered by Port of Hanko Ltd. The boundaries of port areas are indicated in the maps appended to this document.

In addition, restrictions on movement and sojourn under the Police Act and Decree are indicated in the maps. Prohibition and the consequences of breaching the prohibition are clearly stated on noticeboards placed along the boundary of the port area.

The port corporation will report any and all suspected offences to the police authority.

A ship’s master, agent or other shipping operator shall provide all necessary information needed in order for the port corporation to charge the fees it collects and as needed to promote port security and maritime traffic safety.

Recording surveillance cameras are used in the port area and along its perimeters. Other forms of photography and videography in the restricted area are not permitted without permission of the port corporation.



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Security in the port area

Companies operating in the port shall comply with the guidelines and security regulations issued by the port corporation.

Companies operating in the port area shall have a named contact person for security matters. In addition, companies with mostly long-term operating and rental agreements shall enrol in the access control system maintained by the port.

A person trying to enter the restricted port area shall upon request present an identification card or access permit approved by the port corporation or, in the absence of the same, provide the necessary information in order to be granted access. A person loitering in the port area may be removed from the area with assistance of the police, customs or border guard authorities if necessary.

High-visibility clothing carrying a CE marking (EN 471 / EN ISO 20471) must be worn in the port area.

Each person has the duty to provide to the port corporation any information which may have a bearing on port safety or on maritime and port security as meant by the ISPS Code.

When in port, a vessel shall notify the port corporation for access control purposes of persons and service providers who will be departing and boarding the vessel.

The bringing of animals to the port area other than in performance of official duty is by permission only.

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Environmental matters

Companies operating in the port shall take into account all current environmental permits and adapt their operations according to the provisions of the permits. In addition, companies shall observe separate orders issued on the basis of such permits.

Companies operating in the port area shall have a named contact person for environmental matters.

Companies shall allow the port corporation to carry out inspections of facilities, machines and equipment which are within the area of an environmental permit as  needed to execute and monitor the environmental permits granted to the port operation

Companies shall, without charge, provide the port corporation with all necessary information needed by the port corporation in order to comply with the permit conditions and participate in environmental assessments required by permit conditions insofar as they relate to the company’s operation in the port area.

Management of ship wastes

The port’s waste management regulations, waste collection points and contact persons are specified in the port guidelines on the management and disposal of ship wastes.

A ship’s master shall ensure that wastes are managed and sorted in accordance with the guidelines.

Sanitation regulations related to vessels and goods handling

A ship’s master shall ensure that the ship does not discharge to the environment or to the built port areas any polluting substances or wastes and that the ship’s operations do not have unreasonable adverse effects on other users of the port.

In the event of goods falling in the water or oil or another pollutant being discharged into the water, the ship’s master or the declarant of the goods shall notify the port corporation immediately and take immediate action in order to remove the goods or substance.

Anyone involved in or organising goods handling in the port shall ensure that the goods handling operation does not cause unreasonable soiling or unnecessarily generate noise. Goods handlers and work organisers shall ensure that waste, cargo residues,                    goods pallets and covers are deposited in designated locations and that any soiled surfaces be cleaned. Any soiled areas which are not cleaned despite a reminder will be cleaned and the charges will be billed to the declarant of the goods.

The port corporation may suspend a goods handling operation that generates dust or noise that is detrimental to the environment.

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Pre-arrival notifications

The operator, agent or master of an arriving vessel shall submit pre-arrival notifications to the PortNet information system as required by the Vessel Traffic Service Act. Other notifications (e.g. rail traffic) shall be submitted as specified by the port corporation.

The schedules of regular passenger and cargo traffic vessels and any changes thereof shall be negotiated and agreed upon with the port corporation in advance.

Commercial operation of a tugboat, waterbus or another comparable (LNG bunkering barges, etc.) vessel within and out of the port shall be agreed upon with the port corporation before the start of the operation.

If maintenance or servicing works are needed for the vessel during its stay at the port, the port shall be notified of such works well in advance.

The port corporation shall be notified of cargo containing dangerous goods at least 24 hours in advance of arrival unless otherwise agreed. Dangerous goods are those specified in the International Maritime Dangerous Goods (IMDG) code, the European                 Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road (ADR) and the European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Rail (RID).

In addition, when carrying especially dangerous goods or large volumes of dangerous goods, the possibility of bringing such cargo to the port area shall be verified in advance (an advance request).

A vessel arriving from a location where a generally hazardous communicable disease is present or carrying a person who has fallen ill with a generally hazardous disease, a suspected communicable disease or unknown disease, shall notify the port corporation in advance and await further instructions before entering the port.

If an animal has died or fallen severely ill on board the vessel during the journey, the port corporation shall be notified in order to obtain instructions from a veterinary authority.

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Placement and movement of vessels in port

Vessel speeds shall be adjusted on a case-by-case basis in the port waters so as to not cause damage, adverse effects or hazard to other port users, the port facility and equipment or the vessel itself. Possible restrictions such as maximum speed limits may be indicated by marine traffic signs.

Berths are generally assigned based on the type of traffic and in the order of arrival. Exceptions can be made at the discretion of the port corporation.

Vessels shall be moored or anchored at the location assigned by the port corporation and they shall not be moved without the port corporation’s consent.

The owner or keeper of a vessel shall ensure that the vessel’s mooring devices are in good working order at all times. The vessel’s master shall be aware of the water depth at the vessel’s port location at all times.

When berthing, unberthing and while berthed, due caution shall be exercised so as to avoid causing damage to port facilities, cranes and other equipment. The port corporation may order a vessel to use a pilot and/or tugboat’s assistance when moving in the port area.

Anchoring in the vicinity of berths is prohibited. Sufficient number of protective fenders shall be used on the vessel’s side while berthed.

Access bridges and gangways shall be fitted with railings and safety nets and kept lit during hours of darkness.

Davits, beams, cranes, gangways and other equipment protruding away from the vessel shall be situated in such a way so as to not obstruct the movement of cranes in the port or ship traffic on the vessel’s waterside.

Running of propellers while berthed is only permitted at slow speed for testing purposes when preparing for departure, unless otherwise agreed with the port corporation.

The removal of snow and ice from the vessel onto the dock is prohibited. The vessel’s waste lines, ballast water lines etc. shall be covered before docking and while in port so as to prevent water and dirt being deposited onto the dock.

The vessel shall be relocated if ordered to do so by the port corporation.

Each unstripped vessel within the port area shall have a sufficient number of crew so that the vessel can be moved if necessary.

Long-term placement in the port of a stripped vessel or another floating structure is not permitted without the port corporation’s permission. The owner or agent of the vessel or another floating structure shall assign the maintenance of the vessel or                       structure to a trustworthy person and give the person’s name and address to the port corporation.



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Discharging, loading and storage of goods

During discharging and loading of goods, care must be taken to avoid damaging the dock structures or loading/discharging equipment. If heavy cranes are to be placed on the dock, the crane owner shall contact the port corporation in order to ascertain the              load-bearing capacity of the dock and to obtain the port corporation’s consent as to the location of the crane.

Goods or cargo units shall not be stored or, during discharging or loading, situated in the way of dock cranes, on docks, tracks, traffic lanes or within adjacent safety zones, e.g. within the structure gauge of railway traffic, passageways, in front of doors of storage facilities, on top of fire hydrants, in front of rescue equipment or in any other location where they could obstruct operation or traffic.

Privately owned stevedoring equipment and heavy-duty machines used in the port area must be labelled with the owner’s name or identification, and heavy-duty machines must in addition carry an identification number. Stevedoring equipment and heavy-duty machines must not be left on the dock after work.

If pests or organisms or animals which can be classified as pests are detected in a vessel’s cargo, the discharging of the cargo must be stopped immediately. The vessel’s master has the duty to notify the port corporation and wait for instructions before continuing the discharging operation.

When storing goods in the port area, the applicable guidelines must be adhered to. Any goods causing damage or detrimental effects due to leakage, odour or another reason must be removed from the port area by the declarant without delay.

Cargo containing dangerous goods

With the exception of bulk cargo, dangerous goods shall not be discharged or loaded if they are not labelled appropriately, for example in accordance with the IMDG Code, or packaged as specified by the Code or by another appropriate method.

If dangerous goods are not labelled or packaged as specified above, the port corporation may prohibit the discharging of the cargo from the vessel or the overland delivery of the goods to the port area for loading purposes, or take other safety measures.

When discharging or loading dangerous goods in bulk form, the vessel’s master or the declarant of the goods has the duty upon the port corporation’s request to organise at his own expense sufficient security monitoring of the cargo or take other precautions.            Companies in charge of goods handling shall ensure that unauthorised persons cannot enter the discharging and loading area.

Dangerous goods and wastes may be stored in designated storage facilities and areas only, taking into account separation requirements.

Explosive or radioactive materials shall not be stored in the port area unless permitted by an act or decree and authorised by the port corporation by virtue of the act or decree.

When discharging and loading liquid fuels in the oil terminal, the International Safety Guide for Oil Tankers and Terminals (ISGOTT) and the port safety guidelines for liquid fuels shall be complied with.

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Vehicle and railway traffic

The principles of the Road Traffic Act apply to traffic in the port area. Speed limits, parking places and other traffic arrangements are indicated by road signs, traffic signs or traffic control devices.

Unless otherwise indicated by traffic signs, the speed limit in the port area is 30 km/h.

Parking in the port areas is specified by parking signs, and parking is not permitted outside of areas designated by the signs. If parking signs are not observed, the owner or keeper of the offending vehicle is liable for damages.

All vehicles must give way to trains and other railway rolling stock in the port area. Other vehicles must give way to heavy-duty machines and cranes unless otherwise indicated by traffic signs. If a vehicle is stopped or parked on crane tracks or rail tracks,           the driver must stay with the vehicle.

The port must be notified of any works to be carried out in the vicinity of tracks within the structure gauge.

Rail traffic on tracks administered by the port must comply with special orders of the port corporation.

The operation of motor vehicles upon ice-covered waters is subject to separate regulations.

The port corporation shall not be held responsible for damage to vehicles.
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Rescue regulations

Companies operating within the port area shall have a named contact person for safety matters and participate in the formulation of rescue plans, the acquisition of necessary equipment, and drills, each relative to the risks involved in its operations. Operators     handling dangerous goods shall also have a named person in charge of the activities in accordance with the Chemicals Act.

Designated fire exits in storage facilities and outdoor areas as well as access routes to fire hydrants, fire wells and fire extinguisher lines must be kept free of traffic obstructions at all times. Fire extinguishing and rescue equipment, automatic fire detection and rescue equipment, and automatic fire detection and extinguishing equipment must be kept in good working order at all times and handheld fire extinguishers must be easily accessible.

Smoking in the port area is permitted only in designated areas.

In vessels carrying flammable cargo, open flames, spark-generating repair works and smoking are prohibited in outdoor areas on board the vessel as well as on docks and waters in the vicinity of the vessel.

Ventilation and washing of vessel containers which have carried flammable or dangerous goods is prohibited without the express permission of the port corporation.

Open flame, spark-generating repair works and smoking are prohibited in areas where flammable liquids or liquid containers are stored. The prohibition also applies to waters within a 50-metre radius of such areas, docks and vessels.

In other respects, the lighting of fires in the port areas is subject to separate regulations

The crews of vessels docked in the terminals shall, according to their abilities, participate in rescue activities and in the relocation of vessels away from hazardous locations as instructed by authorities and the port corporation.


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Provisions on boats and other recreational vessels

Recreational boats and vessels shall notify the port in advance of their arrival. Recreational vessels may only be moored at designated locations or other locations assigned by the port corporation.

Upon mooring the vessel, the owner agrees to comply with the Port Regulations and the port guidelines for recreational vessels.

Recreational vessels must avoid unnecessary movement within the port area and always give way to commercial vessels.

When renting a space, the owner must give the port office information about the vessel or the cargo being held on board the vessel. If a vessel or goods are located in the port without permission or otherwise in breach of the Port Regulations or in a way that                     obstructs traffic, and the master, carrier, owner or keeper fails to move the vessel or goods, the port corporation can relocate the vessel or goods and bill the costs to the party concerned.

The port corporation has the right to take into its possession vessels, boats and goods that belong to an unknown owner or whose owner does not claim them within three months and dispose of them in accordance with unclaimed property law.

Fishing in the restricted port area is prohibited in fairways, on bridges, in the dock basin, on docks and other comparable locations.

Recreational swimming and diving in the dock basin and fairways is prohibited. Underwater works in the port area are not permitted without the permission of the port corporation.

Opening a passage outside the fairway is not permitted without the permission of the port corporation.

Competitions organised in the area administered by the port corporation require the port corporation’s permission.


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Procedures for dealing with damages and breaches

If a vessel or boat becomes grounded or submerged or sinks in the port area, the owner or keeper shall remove the vessel or boat as quickly as possible.

Reduction of water depth is prohibited. If water depth in the port area is reduced as a result of an accident or another reason, the port corporation and maritime authorities shall be notified immediately. The damaging party shall bear the cost of dredging the port area.

If a sunken vessel or another submerged object causes a hazard to or obstructs traffic, the owner or keeper shall indicate it by warning signs. If the owner or keeper fails to do so, the port corporation will install the signs at the owner’s or keeper’s expense.

If a port user causes damage to the dock, other port facility or building, the port corporation shall be notified without delay. The port corporation will organise a meeting to assess the damage to which the damaging party or his representative will be invited.

If a vessel or goods are located in the port without permission or otherwise in breach of the Port Regulations or in a way that obstructs traffic, and the master, carrier, owner or keeper fails to move the vessel or goods, the port corporation can relocate the vessel or goods and bill the costs to the party concerned.

If goods, machinery or a vehicle is located in the land area of the port against the regulations and the master, owner, carrier or keeper fails to move it, the port corporation may move it and bill the costs to the breaching party.

The port corporation may deny access to the port area to anyone who breaches these Port Regulations. In addition, the breaching party shall be liable for losses and damages caused by him.

Any violation of laws or regulations are punishable as provided by law.


Claims and limitation of liability

Any claims against the port corporation shall be presented without undue delay.

If a claimant who is a trader presents a claim over 30 days after the event or the date on which the claimant first became aware of the event, the claimant shall lose his right to claim.

Claims made in court against the port corporation shall be made within one year of the loss or the date on which the claimant first became aware of the loss. Claims shall be brought in the court of the port corporation’s domicile unless otherwise agreed.

Court proceedings shall be dealt in accordance with Finnish law.

In case of any conflict between different language versions of this document, the Finnish version shall take precedence.


Supplementary technical guidelines and appendices to the Port Regulations
These Port Regulations are supplemented by the following technical guidelines:

  • Port guidelines on the management and disposal of ship wastes
  • Port guidelines on hot work
  • Port guidelines on underwater works

Maps are appended to these Port Regulations.


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