Hot works


The technical manager Björn Peltonen is in charge of the plan, directives and the overall supervision of hot works.

Carrying out hot works in the ports facilities on a temporary hot workplace always requires a written permit for hot works, which can be issued by the ports technical manager and the serviceman.

When working outside the facilities, in a place where the hot work may cause a dangerous situation, written permit for hot works must be applied for. Such situations can for example be working on areas for handling or storaging of chemicals.

Hot work permits can be issued by:

Björn Peltonen, technical manager
Christer Lundqvist, serviceman

Hot work permits for roofs can be issued by:
Björn Peltonen, technical manager

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Hae tulityölupaa

    Tilapäisellä EX-työpaikalla on oltava vähintään yksi 12 kg:n A-B III E-luokan mukainen käsisammutin ja paikan välittömässä läheisyydessä toinen vastaava sammutin (tai 2 kpl 6 kg:n vastaavaa sammutinta)