The Port of Hanko is an active participant in the development of port operations both nationally and internationally. There are many things requiring a cooperative approach, but cooperation for sustainable development has become priority number one in the past few years.
Finnish Port Association
The Finnish Port Association (FPA), is an industry NGO founded in 1923 and its mission is to better the operation conditions of Finnish ports by representing the views of ports both in Finland and the whole of Europe. The Finnish Port Association represents Finnish ports in many bodies handling port, sea traffic and traffic policy issues.
In addition to all of the working committees of the Finnish Port Association, Port of Hanko Ltd is also represented on the association’s board.
Baltic Port Organization (BPO)
The goal of the Baltic Ports Organization is to improve the competitiveness of Baltic ports by making them more efficient and by marketing the Baltic area as a strategic centre of logistics. One of the most important tasks of the BPO is to raise environmental issues to the foreground.
Port of Hanko Ltd has representation in the network’s port working committee.
European Sea Ports Organisation (ESPO)
ESPO represents European sea ports on the European level. ESPO brings the views of ports into the EU decision making process. The Finnish Port Association is a member of the organisation and has a strong influence over the preparation of laws and directives pertaining to European ports. The ESPO office is located in Brussels.
Port of Hanko Ltd represents the Finnish Port Association and Finnish ports in ILICO (Intermodal, Logistics & Industry Committee).
Southwestern Ports of Finland (SW‐Ports)
Southwestern Ports of Finland is a cooperative group consisting of six southwestern Finnish ports, who cooperate in furthering goods traffic to Finland on the international market through marketing. The target group consists of international operators e.g. shipping yards, port operators, transport businesses, port industries and trade as well as the logistics field. Port of Hanko Ltd has been a part of this group since 2014.
Tvärminne Zoological Station
Port of Hanko Ltd supports Baltic Sea research with a donation to the Baltic Sea fund of the University of Helsinki. Using this donation, the university’s research station in Hanko has the opportunity to develop e.g. automatic measuring equipment, which is needed for researching the changes in sea areas as well as the processes behind these changes. Using the donation, new knowledge is gained, which is necessary for minimising the adverse effects on the vulnerable sea and coastal areas of the Baltic.
The Helsinki University Tvärminne Zoological Station is the oldest research station of the Baltic and it has been taking measurements of the sea areas around the old industrial area of Koverhar for over a century.
The research station and the Koverhar area that is being developed by Port of Hanko Ltd are neighbours. Their cooperation is an example of how the port industry and other operatives developing the maritime infrastructure can work in cooperation with researchers with sustainable development as a common goal.
Cooperation provides an opportunity for receiving new information about the sea environment in which we operate and of how maritime building and use affects that environment.